“When they approached
the province of Mysia, they tried to enter the province of Bithynia,
but the
Spirit of Jesus wouldn’t let them. Passing by Mysia, they went down to Troas
Acts 16:7, 8 (Common English Bible)
From the Riverside
Church pulpit of New York City, Harry Emerson Fosdick began a sermon, “Even in
ordinary times few persons have a chance to live their lives on the basis of
their first choice.”[i]
The sermon was preached in 1944 and remains as timely today as it was then. A distinguished
preacher, Fosdick’s sermons reached a broader audience than the Riverside
Church. Once identified as one of America’s towering religious leaders, pastors
from around the nation would travel to New York City to be coached toward more
effective preaching in their own pulpits. Quite simply, Fosdick would teach
that effective preaching met the pressings needs of the person in the pew. That
morning in 1944, Fosdick did exactly that in grand fashion. His starting point
was a common human condition – having to do the best we can with our second and
third choices in life.
found a natural place to begin in the sixteenth chapter of the Book of Acts.
The apostle Paul, along with his traveling companions, most urgently desired to
take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Bithynia, “but the Spirit of Jesus wouldn’t
let them.” Declaring the Gospel of Christ from a pulpit square in the middle of
Bithynia was Paul’s first choice. Denied his first choice, Paul traveled to
Troas instead. And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: There was a man of
Macedonia standing before Paul, urging Paul, “Come over to Macedonia and help
us! (Acts 16:9)” Paul had not planned that! Paul had not intended to go to
Europe. It would be a stretch to say that Europe was Paul’s second choice – so
focused he was on Bithynia. Paul had not considered a second choice. But a
second choice is what Europe became.
wanting Bithynia and getting Troas is a familiar experience, declared Fosdick.
Each of us set our sights on our own Bithynia and there is nothing wrong with
that! Perhaps it is pursuing an education at a particular college, aspiring to
a particular career, or entering a deeply meaningful and fulfilling
relationship with another person. Casting our sights on something purposeful
demonstrates hopefulness and energy and joy in living. But for many of us, our
expectations are disappointed. Our eyes are directed toward Bithynia and we
find ourselves in Troas.
Paul was
not permitted to enter Bithynia, to have his first choice in life and in ministry.
And his response to receiving second best is instructive to us. Paul did not
slump in defeat and disappointment. Paul was not immobilized by despair. A man
from Macedonia came to Paul in a dream and urged him, “Come over to Macedonia
and help us!” And when Paul received this vision, he went immediately to
Macedonia, concluding that this is God’s call and claim upon him. In this brief
and simple act of obedience, Paul changed to course of the Christian faith!
That is because Paul’s ministry in Macedonia set in motion particular
opportunities that resulted in nearly two-thirds of our New Testament. Paul
believed that if God led him to Troas instead of Bithynia, there must be
something in Troas worth discovering.
[i] Halford R. Ryan, “Handling Life’s Second-Bests” Harry Emerson Fosdick: Persuasive Preacher
(New York: Greenwood Press, 1989), p. 117.
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