“Even when I walk
through the darkest valley, I fear no danger because you are with me.
Your rod
and your staff – they protect me.”
Psalm 23:4 (Common English Bible)
Few would
disagree that our present age may be identified as one of insecurity. The
recent presidential election in the United States has unmasked a starkly
divided nation – the division largely one of how best to protect our way of
life in a world that grows increasingly more hostile each day. Behind the
rhetoric and rancor of the political right and left is an unrest that is driven
by a disillusionment of our modern world. Present in France, Great Britain,
Greece and multiple other nations is a spirit of revolt and revolution that is
occurring right here in our own nation. Everywhere, it seems, is a feeling that
we are no longer secure. We are vulnerable and, if we let down our guard, the
world can get at us. People the world over have become weary of being tossed
about by conflict, terror and uncertainty. Nations are looking for some haven
where they can once again experience a new calm.
What is it
that the Christian faith can provide in these troubling times? What impresses
me in reading these few familiar words from Psalm 23 is the complete serenity of
the one who walks through, “the darkest valley.” We are not told what is
occurring in the Psalmist’ life when these words were written. Perhaps it was
the death of a spouse or a child. Perhaps it is economic collapse or a
diagnosis of a threatening illness. It does not matter that we aren’t told. It
is enough to know that, whatever it may be, the experience is the darkest
moment to be experienced in that particular life. Yet, the Psalmist is not
disturbed or distracted by the news – the mood that prevails is one of
tranquility. The clearly expressed reason is that God shows-up and the Psalmist
notices. And that is enough.
There is
present a calm temperament in a life that walks closely with the Lord. Though
there are challenges and storms in our day that would unsettle many, the
Psalmist is equipped with an amazing power of detachment. The shepherd’s “rod”
and “staff” are visible in the midst of the darkness – both signs and symbols
of the office of someone who comes alongside the sheep to tend off predators
and provide gentle guidance in the right way. The Psalmist never lost sight of
God and because of this, felt protected and cared for. Life is faced – even
when it is darkest – bravely and with buoyancy.
confidence can be ours as well. There is no more certain route to the recovery
of serenity than through the discovery of God. The vulnerable life always
clings to visible – and perishable – things of the earth, looking for
guarantees. This is seen when someone announces that their hope for national
security is in one candidate for president and not another. The invulnerable
life rests secure in the invisible things, unruffled by the news of calamity
because they have fixed their lives upon an unfaltering faith in an unfailing
God. Rise each morning and repeat these words from the Psalmist. The power that
is nurtured within will not change the external conditions of our world. But
inner storms will subside as the presence of God is recognized.
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