“Whoever wants to be
first among you will be the slave of all, for the Human One didn’t come to be
served but rather to serve and to give his life to liberate many people.’
Mark 10:44, 45 (Common English Bible)
Two of Jesus’
disciples, James and John, have a favor to ask of their Lord; when he came into
his Kingdom they asked for the best seats in the house. Remarkably, there is
present no sense of embarrassment. The request is impudent, presumptuous and,
undeniably, selfish. Yet, the request is true to human nature as it is revealed
throughout every generation. Seeking position, power and recognition is a
well-established value that seems hardwired into the human psyche. So here it
is seen even among Jesus’ disciples – the desire to leverage an opportunity to
serve inflated egos and personal ambition. Personal fitness for what they ask
isn’t a consideration.
This love of
power and desire for notice is one of the most insatiable of all human urges.
It is also a moral problem that is wrestled with throughout the pages of our
Bible. Look at Jesus’ response to James and John who jostled to obtain it:
“Whoever wants to be first among you will be the slave of all.” What a reversal
of current standards! For Jesus, no one can be truly great whose life is not
viewed in terms of service to another. Our highest self is achieved only
through humility and assuming the posture of servant. It is recognizing any
position of authority as an opportunity for advancing the common good. What
Jesus offers is a life redeemed from pettiness and crudeness.
Naturally, this
new understanding of power and position requires some imagination. A world view
that shifts from domination by a few over the many must give way to another –
one where the world’s foundation is spiritual and the knowledge that might is
powerless to establish anything that lasts. Ultimately, this is God’s world and
God settles nothing by might and sheer power.
Our destiny is in something deeper and more enduring than power. We see
what that is in his cross. Jesus demonstrates that genuine power is one that
changes people from the inside out. Love overcomes hate, gentleness depletes
the energy of force and people become more responsive to one another, building
trust and partnerships.
I do wonder from
time to time how the disciples’ responded to this teaching. It is not a popular
lens to view life nor one most people would want. Jesus is free of pride and
arrogance because he recognizes his dependence upon God. And in our best
moments we know that if we lived as Jesus – with submission to God – the world
would be an infinitely better place.
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