“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations …”
Matthew 28:19a
Making reproducing disciples of
Jesus Christ is the central purpose of the church. Sometimes, as good
Presbyterians, there is a tendency to think that each church should determine what
the central purpose should be. I struggle in this area as well. After all, I
was raised as a Presbyterian and well groomed in my theological training to
appreciate the Presbyterian approach to being the church.
But let me be clear, if we are to
call ourselves The Church of Jesus Christ, then there are some decisions that
are non-negotiable. The purpose of the church is one of them. Christ gives us
our “marching orders” in the great commission of Matthew’s Gospel. The church’s
primary focus is to direct resources that make disciples of Jesus Christ.
It is easy to get distracted from
this overall and primary mission. But then, in our personal lives, we see this
all the time. We are distracted from God’s purpose in our lives by our own
wants, needs and preferences. The Bible calls that sin. When our lives become
more about “me” than “God” then Christ isn’t really Lord.
There is a corporate culture in any
effective organization, including the church. And that is a good thing,
particularly when it provides guidance for optimal advancement of agreed-upon
goals. The trouble, however, is that the corporate culture tends to assume
authority in the church that belongs to Christ alone. Such a culture has
rewritten the charter of the church over a period of many years. The result is
a church that has edited out the biblical mandate to make disciples. In its
place has come the concern with members’ interest and preferences. It is simply
another manifestation of the classic struggle between God’s interest and the
interest of the people who make-up the membership of the church.
As your pastor, I am committed to
continued study of the Bible and learning how God instructs all of us to be the
church. This includes a determined dedication to the Great Commission of making
disciples as our primary purpose. I am certain it will be a pulse-racing
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