“When it comes to the church, the object of the game is to make
The object is not to find them, gather them, or improve them. The
object is to make them.”
John Edmund Kaiser
continues in his book, Winning On Purpose,
that the reason – the primary reason – that many churches are in trouble today
is that they have forgotten the object of the game. The object of the game is
to make disciples. When that object, or purpose, is forgotten, church members
become lost in much activity, much of it good activity. But it is not the
object of the game. Jesus states that the object of the game is to make
Another way
of looking at it, asserts Kaiser, is that the object is all about the inflow of people beginning their
relationship with Christ. That is measured by the number of professions of
faith that results in baptism or persons making a reaffirmation of faith,
meaning that they are starting again. Transfer of Church letter as a means of
receiving new members isn’t bad. They represent more disciples to advance the
mission of the local church. It’s just that transfers can’t legitimately be
counted as additional disciples for the kingdom. They have simply transferred
from there to here.
So what
happens in many churches? Kaiser says that when the primary object is forgotten, the focus turns to any number of things, such as pastoral care, Christian
education, fellowship activities and keeping the people happy. None of these
activities are bad in themselves. Trouble is, says Kaiser, these activities are
not really making disciples but merely servicing disciples in a way that makes
them comfortable. And the supreme danger sign for the church is when the
leaders no longer count how many new people came to the Lord in a given year
but how much care was given, lessons taught and fellowship activities offered.
A new
scorecard is required! If First Presbyterian Church of Delray Beach is
committed to God’s supreme purpose – making disciples of Jesus Christ – then
greater attention must be given to the practice of ministry. Pastoral care,
teaching and preaching are still important. So are opportunities for simply
gathering together to enjoy each other like our recent Dancing with the Stars.
Yet, none of these accomplish making new disciples for Jesus. The challenge
before your elected leaders is praying deeply and thinking broadly about what
must be done to become a disciple-making church. Your prayers for our leaders
are coveted and appreciated.
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