“Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is –
what is good and pleasing and mature.”
Romans 12:2 (Common English Bible)
Recently, my
friend Tom Tewell shared with me a basic and helpful approach to seeking God’s
will – an approach he had learned years earlier from Lloyd J. Ogilvie. The
place to begin is a careful reading of the Bible and prayer. Seeking God’s will
in a particular circumstance, or more generally for one’s life, must always
begin with some grasp of who God is. What can we know of God and how God has
worked through human history from God’s word in the Holy Scriptures? God’s
desire for today will not contradict God’s character as disclosed in the Bible.
If God is opposed to adultery in the Bible, for instance, God remains opposed
to adultery. Simply, we will never discern that God may be calling us to
violate our marriage vows.
The second
movement to discerning God’s will is by consulting with a few trusted people
who have demonstrated, in some way, that they listen carefully for God’s
direction. These will be people who have been widely noticed by others as
“paying attention to God” as they live each day. Share with them what you think
God may be calling you to do. Then invite them to place what you think you hear
alongside what they know of God and God’s activity. Is there consistency? Does
what you believe God is saying match-up with the God your friends have come to
know from years of following Christ? Some Christian leaders refer to this
practice as “discernment in community.” Bring what you hear to a faithful
community so they can say if it makes sense to them from what they know of God.
Finally, pay attention
to the opportunities that present themselves – and those that don’t. What some
may simply call “circumstances” may be powerful indicators of what God is up to
in your life. If you believe God is calling you to missionary work overseas and
no doors seem to be opening for that to happen, it is well to rethink if God’s
will has been properly discerned. On the other hand, if you sense God is
calling you to partner with Habitat for Humanity for building homes for the
poor, and you have particular skills for building homes, and have discretionary
time available in your routine rhythm of life and then hear of a specific need
from that organization that you can meet, and feel a burden for those who can’t
afford a home – well, you see where I am going.
Many ask why
finding God’s will has to be such a struggle. My own take on that is that God
planned it that way. It is in the struggle that we go deeper and deeper in a
relationship with God. Think of it this way. A meaningful relationship with a
spouse is built by paying close attention to their likes and dislikes over a
long period of time. We listen carefully when they speak. We watch what makes
them happy and what discourages them. We take notice of their idiosyncrasies.
This takes effort, naturally. But it is the effort – over time – that results
is a deep and satisfying relationship with another. God wants no less from us.