“We can’t entertain people into discipleship. We (each individually)
must develop practices that counteract culture and conform us to Christ.”
Roger Helland &
Leonard Hjalmarson
It is now widely acknowledged that people
are continually being shaped by their culture and environment. Pop culture has
formed us – discipled us – through the medium of advertising and peer pressure.
We feel that we must dress like everyone else, live like everyone else, spend
our resources and behave like everyone else. Certainly we work hard to have
nice things but, perhaps, that is part of the problem…some are working to hard
and missing what really matters, significant relationship time with those we
love and with Jesus Christ. We have “conformed” to the world.
The consequence has been disastrous for
the church. Congregations are filled with people who say they are Christians,
perhaps even sincerely wishing to be Christians, but who look less like
followers of Jesus and more like the rest of the world. It all has to do with
what forces we have allowed to “shape” us.
Some years ago I identified what I believed are the irreducible faith
practices of those who follow Jesus; The
Five Faith Practices of Discipleship. The hope, of course, is that if every
member were to identify a few manageable and intentional changes in priorities,
they would be less conformed to the world and more conformed to Jesus.
Here are the
Five Faith Practices of Discipleship:
* Worship Regularly
* Pray Daily
* Learn & Apply God’s Word
* Participate in a Ministry
* Give Financially to the Work of the Church
Naturally, these are not the only
practices that mark followers of Jesus. But they are the “irreducible minimum”
of intentional discipleship. This is where someone begins who desires to honor
the call of Romans 12: 2 – “Don’t
continue to be like the rest of the world. Start taking on the image of Jesus
Christ. (My paraphrase).
It has been argued that the health of a
local congregation never rises above the spiritual health of the individual
members. First Presbyterian Church is a good church, no question. Here we see
incredible people doing incredible things. Here we see incredible forgiveness
being demonstrated and compassion and care given abundantly. But this church
can be so much more and can impact the local community far more significantly.
One thing is required, one thing…that more and more people reading these words
begin to take seriously the five faith practices and allowing God’s power to
shape them into something so much more than they are now.